Matt and Michelle check out the rustic hot tub situation in their Fantasy Suite on The Bachelor (ABC/Craig Sjodin)

We have finally made it to Fantasy Suites week after what feels like a rollercoaster of a season.

Michelle, Bri, and Rachael are shown walking around the property individually talking about their feelings towards Matt and how they are all in love with him.

We then go back inside and all three women are sitting on the couch talking to one another about the upcoming week. Chris comes in and tells them what Fantasy Suites is all about, getting to know one another on a deeper level and having some privacy in their relationship. He drops off the first date card and it is for Michelle. 

Before Matt and Michelle go on their date, Matt has a visitor. There’s a knock on his door and it is his dad. As we all know, Matt never really had a great relationship with his dad due to him leaving when Matt was a child. 

They start talking and Matt says he was never able to have this conversation with his dad about his future and everything that happened between him and his mom because he never saw his father. Matt’s dad then says that he has no idea what he went through with his mom and came home one day and she was not there. Matt says it was for a good reason because his dad was starting other families. 

His dad finally apologizes to Matt for everything he has put him through and Matt accepts his apology, but says it is not a one and done type of deal. There are still some things they need to work on. 

The Matt stands alone. (ABC/Craig Sjodin)

It is finally time for Matt and Michelle’s date. It is a spa day, a Pennsylvania Dutch-style. This includes an oatmeal-soaked foot bath, rubbing each other down with butter, and then hopping into a milk bath. Sounds like the perfect ingredients to start baking a cake or something with.

At dinner, Matt opens up to Michelle about his parents’ relationship and how it has created him into the person he is today with his relationships. He says that he needs to be able to trust his wife and needed to have this conversation with his dad because that was the thing that was holding him back.

They do end up going to the Fantasy Suite and we obviously don’t see much of their time there, other than Matt popping open a bottle of champagne. Michelle opens up and tells Matt that she is in love with him.

Someone is in love. Blame it on the rain. (ABC/Craig Sjodin)

Back where Bri and Rachael are, they are talking about how they are having a difficult time knowing that Matt spent the night with someone else and knowing the things that could have gone down. This affects Rachael the most and she is not doing well throughout the rest of the week. But, I mean, you knew what you were getting yourself into when you signed up for the show, but I suppose you can still have true feelings on reality TV.

Bri is the next date. Her and Matt go hiking, which is quite funny because most of her dates have involved the outdoors and she is not an outdoorsy person. They put on sleeping bags and hike through the woods to a place where they can pitch a tent and start a fire. Matt teases Bri and says that is where they are sleeping that night. 

Bri helps Matt pitch a tent on their fantasy adventure. (ABC/Craig Sjodin) BRI, MATT JAMES

Once at dinner, Bri asks Matt about how he feels being engaged at the end of this. He says the one thing he needed to get over was his relationship with his dad and he did just that so he is now okay and all in for the relationships he still has. Bri opens up about her dad and how he was not around either.

Matt hands Bri the Fantasy Suite envelope and they go to their room. Once again, we don’t see much other than the champagne being popped and Bri telling Matt she loves him.

Rachael and Michelle sit on the couch and Rachael once again says she is not doing well and does not want to see Bri come in because she can’t handle the thoughts of Matt being with other women. It is obviously the day for Rachael’s date and she is struggling to comprehend whether or not his relationships with Michelle and Bri have progressed more than hers. 

As Rachael is walking up to Matt, you can tell she is not acting herself because she just walks slowly towards him instead of running. Matt can tell something is up but just wants to enjoy their date.

Their date consisted of making ceramics. Rachael was pretty quiet and reserved the whole time and eventually pulled Matt aside to talk to him about her feelings and emotions. Matt says that he reflected on the day where Rachael had her skydiving incident and said that he would not be okay with losing Rachael. This puts a smile on her face and she ends up telling him she loves him. They go back to making ceramics and it looks like we are watching a modern-day Ghost.

Oh, my love, my darling… (ABC/Craig Sjodin)

At dinner, Rachael says she feels dumb for being so worried about their relationship. They end up going to the Fantasy Suite.

After their date, it goes right into the rose ceremony. All of the women are wearing black dresses, which I don’t know if it is a coincidence or if it was planned but it looks like they are attending a funeral when they are standing in front of Matt waiting for a rose. 

Matt hands out his roses. Michelle and Rachael both get one which means that Bri will be going home. Matt walks Bri out and they talk for a bit. He says this was not an easy decision and he thought about their past time together. 

The previews for next week are shown and the remaining women get to meet Matt’s mom, the person who knows him the best. The finale is upon us and it will definitely be interesting, if you don’t already know how it is going to play out.