Jon Bon Jovi image courtesy Hulu.

Like a cowboy, on a steel bridge he rode. Poetically speaking, of course.

Rocker Jon Bon Jovi had a chance to give heroism a good name on the Seigenthaler pedestrian bridge spanning the Cumberland River in Nashville, Tennessee on Tuesday. Bon Jovi was filming a music video in that location when he was able to assist the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department who responded to a call about a woman standing on a ledge overlooking the river.

The MNPD released footage of the incident on Wednesday. In the video, Bon Jovi and others are speaking with the woman, then together they help her back onto the bridge.

As seen in the video, a woman in blue holds on to the railing while she stands on the ledge. Other people pass her, and farther down the bridge, Bon Jovi’s team appears to be setting up for a video or photo shoot.

Then a man, who appears to be Bon Jovi, walks over to the woman with someone else as his team stands farther away. The man waves hello at her and then leans on the railing near her.

Image courtesy the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department

The video has no audio, but it appears that they then begin speaking. The person with Bon Jovi gets closer and holds on to the woman’s forearm. After about a minute, Bon Jovi walks to the woman’s other side, and the pair help her back onto the pedestrian walkway. Other people walk over after the woman is safe, and Bon Jovi embraces her in a hug.

A few minutes later, he leaves the bridge with her. Bon Jovi continued to speak with the woman who left the ledge before they walk away from the area together. The video is available to view here.

Metropolitan Nashville Police Department Chief John Drake thanked Bon Jovi in a post on Twitter. “A shout out to @jonbonjovi & his team for helping a woman on the Seigenthaler Ped Bridge Tue night. Bon Jovi helped persuade her to come off the ledge over the Cumberland River to safety.”

“It takes all of us to help keep each other safe,” Chief Drake added.

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