photo courtesy Amazon

Amazon announced today that it will enter the cloud gaming fray with its own game streaming platform called Luna.

Luna is both software that can connect to your mobile device and an optional $49.99 physical controller, and will be available for use on Fire TV, PC, mobile devices and even Macs. Really.

You can request early access to Luna right around…now, though it’s US only, the launch date has yet to be announced and there’s no guarantee you’ll receive a code ahead of everyone else.

So what will be on Luna? A comprehensive list has not been announced, but in the early access period you will be able to play Resident Evil 7, Control, GRID, Panzer Dragoon, and more.

And like Amazon Prime, Luna will have established channels, like the one announced today for Ubisoft, granting access to Assassins Creed Valhalla, Far Cry 6 and Immortals Fenyx Rising.

A Luna Plus subscription will cost you $5.99 a month, and you will need that control pad. Games will stream at up to 1080p and support for 4k is teased as coming soon.