The Junkies don’t have much in the way of good goss this week, but they do have the sports report and Nicole sparks a conversation about women’s basketball and the
You can’t keep a good brand down: the first online activity on the Blockbuster website in nearly a decade has many wondering what’s to expect from a company many thought dead and gone.
You know Flamin’ Hot Cheetos for their killer spice blend that leaves your hands powdered in red gunk after you devour them. Now Disney and Hulu are sharing the (mostly) true story of how they were invented.
Celebrities are not like us: when they bicker amongst themselves, it's all over the news, and maybe even the Super Bowl half-time show. Shauna and Olivia break down why celebrities feud publicly - and why we like it so much. Olivia thinks maybe it's a way to satisfy our deep-seated need for interpersonal conflict in […]