To commemorate St Patrick’s Day, Grammy winner Billie Eilish ditched her signature green locks.

The seven-time Grammy winner unveiled a new look, departing from the green hair that had become her signature in recent years. She was obviously pleased with her new long blonde shag, saying in an Instagram post “pinch me.”

Eilish hinted that she was going to change her look in her recently-released documentary Billie Eilish: The World’s a Little Blurry.

“This is the longest I’ve had the same hair color since I was 13 & that’s on mental stability and growth,” she commented on Instagram.

“I’m changing it after the doc comes out,” she added. “It’ll be the end of an era, I’ma give you a new era… I have announcements to make, I got some shit to put out.”

There’s more to Eilish than her hair, of course. The singer is planning to release her second album this year, telling Vanity Fair that she is working on no less than 16 songs.

“We’ve been working,” she said, referring to herself and her brother Finneas, who is her writing partner. “And I love them all.”

“I think Finneas and I have just seriously really gotten in the groove. We do it so fast,” she continued. “There was a period of time, a month ago or something, we were just texting the label like, ‘Song done, another song done, another song done.'”

Eilish and O’Connell each won two Grammys this past Sunday; one for best song written for visual media for “No Time to Die,” the theme from the upcoming James Bond movie, and record of the year for Everything I Wanted. It was her second time winning that honor.

Eilish debuted her new look with a video in another post asking if her fans had guessed her new hair color correctly.