From the Official Twitter of Space Force

You have to hand it to the United States Government: they only steal from the best.

Ever since they formed the military’s sixth branch, it’s seemed rather familiar. First they called it Space Force, you know, after that new Steve Carrel show on Netflix. (Spoiler alert: Netflix won the copyright battle for that name.)

Then they unveiled the logo, which had a certain to boldly go quality about it.

Images courtesy

Yes, that isn’t similar at all.

Now, in a further nod to popular sci-fi, the government today announced that Space Force troops will henceforth be known as…Guardians. Seriously.

William LeGate on Twitter

Reaction online was as swift as it was funny. James Gunn, who directs the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise for Marvel, got litigious.

James Gunn on Twitter

The official Guardians Twitter page heard the call to defend if not the Galaxy, then at least the portion of it near and around Earth. A spokesman for the group (probably Star-Lord) tweeted:

Guardians of the Galaxy on Twitter

Clark Gregg, who plays Phil Coulson in the Avengers movies and on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. got the news and worried about his trash panda.

Clark Gregg on Twitter

Hey, at least their uniforms weren’t a space movie ripoff, not that they weren’t mocked for being, perhaps, an army movie ripoff.

Is this the final pop culture theft, or is their next move is to install Princess Leia Organa as the Guardian’s top brass? Will they kick off their fleet’s maiden voyage by cracking a bottle of champagne over the bow of the Serenity? Check back often; we’ll let you know if/when that happens.