Image courtesy PA / lukeXC2002

It played out like a scene from a sequel to Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code, but this was real life.

A visitor to the Louvre Museum in Paris hurled cake at Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa on Sunday. The visitor was a 36-year-old man, who disguised himself as an old woman in a wheelchair. The man surprised onlookers when he leapt out of the mobility aid after reaching the front of the viewing platform.

The man lunged at the display case, attempting to break the bulletproof glass, and then proceeded to smear cake all over the case.

The stunt was reportedly a climate protest, as when the man was dragged away by security he yelled, “Think of the earth, people are destroying the earth.” The painting was unharmed.

The Paris prosecutor’s office said Monday it would open an investigation into damage of cultural artifacts after hospitalizing the man, according to the Associated Press.

This is not the first tme the Mona Lisa, housed in one of the world’s most famous museums, has been targeted.

In 1911, the painting was stolen by a museum employee, and in 1956, in two separate incidents, it was hit by acid and a rock. After those incidents. the painting was encased in glass to prevent further damage. Decades later, in 2009, a woman attacked it with a ceramic cup, but was unable to harm the painting.