This week The Junkies welcome cosplayer Stephanie Van Taylor, an aspiring actress who has been attending and working cons since 2012. She has collaborated with Big Dog Ink, Aspen, and now Mount Olympus Comics, to name a few. Stephanie has studied costume design and film production, and she practices and shares her passions at shows, on Instagram and Twitch. Alex wants to know more about what it means to be a creative dreamer, and Nicole asks about choosing and creating costumes. Shauna and Hayley, who are also avid cosplayers, are excited to talk about costume creation and their favorite costumes. The Junkies ask Stephanie about her pop culture fandoms (Stranger Things spoilers abound!) and the discuss the numbers of penises in The Boys. Stephanie also talks about how overcoming difficulties to live up to her motto “with belief, all things are possible.”

Be sure to check out Stephanie’s amazing cosplays on Facebook, Twitch and Instagram.

Thank you to Olympus Games, the home of the Pop Culture Junkie Podcast.


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Twitter: @PopJunkies
Instagram: @pop.culturejunkies

Alex on Instagram: @alcasnun
Alex on Twitter: @alcasnun

Hayley on Instagram: @thirtynerdythriving

Nicole on Instagram: @nicole_eldridge
Nicole on Twitter: @naeldridge14
Nicole on TikTok: @nicole_eldridge

Shauna on Twitter: @shaunatrinidad
Shauna on Instagram: @shaunatrinidad