Autumn in New York may be the movie that broke The Junkies. Hayley, Shauna and Nicole are not here for any of this movie’s nonsense: not the cringe factor of the age difference between Winona and her love interest Richard Gere, not the utterly unrealistic sex scenes, not for yet another Manic Pixie Dream Winona, and they are definitely not loving that the movie’s main theme is that a woman dying to make a man be better is somehow romantic. Oh, and all that poetry “Winona Dickinson” spouts is super annoying too. The Junkies discuss their romantic age gap limits, party etiquette for couples (don’t f*** other people besides your date), and call for more realism in cinematic sex scenes, but for fewer whimsical hats.

You can prepare for the last Winona Ryder 101 by watching Destination Wedding.


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Nicole on Instagram: @nicole_eldridge
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