Castlevania trailer on Netflix

It’s a good time to get into (or back into) Castlevania.

Castlevania, the popular animated series made by Netflix based on the Konami video game franchise of the same name. And with its fourth season being released this week, fans of the show have to be excited to see how this next part of the story will unfold.

The series, created and written by Warren Ellis and directed by Spencer Wan, follows a small cast of characters. For those who don’t know the story, Trevor Belmont (Richard Armitage) is the latest in a long line of monster hunters with a specialty in slaying Vampires. He’s a cocky rogue with a big taste for booze, and though at first he may seem unfit for the task of protecting people from creatures of the night, he always gets the job done in the end, albeit begrudgingly.      

Trevor eventually meets with a Speaker Magician named Sypha Belnades (Alejandra Reynoso), who as a practitioner of the magical arts is able to cast spells of fire and ice. She also has great general knowledge of magic. Her personality is much more kind and pleasant than Trevor’s, leading to some good cop/bad cop banter between them as they work together.      

The two of them encounter the third and final member of their band, Alucard Tepes (James Callis). As the son of Dracula (Graham McTavish) and a human woman named Lisa, (Emily Swallow) he has the powers of a vampire, but the heart of one raised as human. He possesses great strength both physical and magical, and after a short squabble he reluctantly joins the former two in their quest to defeat his father, Dracula, who has begun a campaign to eradicate humanity after they murdered his wife.      

Season four deals with the warring factions in their quest for power, and whether the characters can overcome their beastly natures as they attempt to make a better life for themselves and each other.

The series has amazing animation and character design, great fight choreography and a good soundtrack. The voice cast works well together, and there is a lot of chemistry between the main trio. The show is a great time for those loving a fantasy monster mash with an interesting plot and fun characters.      

Castlevania Season 4 art courtesy of Netflix

Season four appears to be the “final” season of this iteration of Castlevania, but worry not, the creators plan to continue the universe of the show, though with different characters. Most likely it will be a new generation of the Belmont family taking the helm, as this is how the games usually handle things. Even still, this series is definitely a worthwhile watch and is a good time for both long-time fans and newcomers to the series.