Mari and Chelsea are among those who join the scrum for Matt’s heart on The Bachelor. (ABC/Craig Sjodin)

It’s date time! During this episode of The Bachelor, there are three dates throughout, but because of the record-setting number of women who are on this season, not everyone will have a date.

The first one-on-one date is goes to Bri, and it starts right away. They ride off on ATVs into the forest preserve.

Back at the hotel, almost all of the girls are happy and excited for Bri that she has this time with Matt. Victoria is the only one who seems to be upset.

Victoria claims that all of the girls that are happy for Bri are fake because they should be mad they were not the ones who got to spend this time with Matt.

Bri and Matt get dirty on The Bachelor. (ABC/Craig Sjodin)

As Bri and Matt are riding, Bri gets off her ATV and gets on with Matt. He starts to drive a little reckless and tips it over and they both fall off. Matt makes a joke saying he is sorry to her mom for doing that to her daughter.

Once the night nears, Bri and Matt go off on the dinner portion of the date. This is where Bri opens up about her mom.

Bri says her mom has found a new guy and is now pregnant. Due to this, Bri feels like she does not have a place to call home. Matt turns to her and says he feels the same because he grew up without a father figure in his life and always turned to his friends’ families to feel like home, even though he has a great relationship with his mother.

At the end of dinner, Matt and Bri walk off and there is a firework display for them. All of the other girls back at the hotel are seeing the fireworks and know that Bri has received the one-on-one date rose. 

The next day arrives and it is the group date. Of course, Victoria is on this date when she was complaining about wanting one-on-one time with Matt.

On the date, the girls try on wedding dresses and they pose and take pictures with Matt in front of the other girls. 

As the photographer is calling up Pieper, Victoria cuts in and takes the rein instead. She looks at Matt and lifts up her dress to reveal a garter for him to take off of her. The respectful man that he is, he uses his hands.

Some of the girls don’t get a chance to take pictures with Matt because the date is interrupted by Chris Harrison telling them they will be playing capture the heart (instead of capture the flag.)

They are split up into two teams, the red team and the gold team. They have no rules in the game other than to capture the heart and bring it back to their base. The team who wins will spend the rest of the evening with Matt while the other team does the walk of shame in their dresses to the hotel. 

Victoria is on the red team which makes me want the gold team to win, but unfortunately the red team won. Mari is on the gold team but she received a trophy and her reward was to spend the rest of the evening with the red team and Matt.

Not much happened during the group date, although everyone opened up to Matt. Lauren received the rose and Victoria was very upset about it because she thought she deserved it.

The next morning Sarah goes on her one-on-one date with Matt. The two take a plane ride over the city they are in. They end up flying over the hotel and the rest of the girls see them and become jealous because it is an amazing first date.

After they get off the plane, they sit around a bonfire and just talk. Sarah begins to open up about how her mom is super supportive about her being here. Matt brings up her dad and she is hesitant to talk about him, but says she is closer to him than anyone else and he is also really happy for her.

Matt and Sarah cozy up on this sofa someone left in the forest. (ABC/Craig Sjodin)

Matt notices she is holding something back and wants her to talk more on it but does not pressure her or bring anything else up at the moment. They just head onto the dinner part of the date.

At dinner, Matt brings up her family again and says he wants to know more about them. Sarah then slowly begins to open up and tells Matt that she is a private person but will talk about her dad. When Sarah was 24 and in college, her dad started to change and when he went to the doctor for it, he was diagnosed with ALS.

Sarah had quit her job as a news reporter to stay home and care for her dad because she felt he deserved that after everything he did for her when she was younger.

Obviously, Sarah gets the rose. She is one of my frontrunners along with Abigail.

Now that all the dates are over, it is time for the cocktail party and rose ceremony. 

Marylynn gets time to talk to Matt and says she was worried he forgot about her but he ends up saying he hasn’t and surprises her with something. During another time they spent together, Marylynn mentioned she loves orchids and so he got her some of those.

When Marylynn walks out to the rest of the girls and they see this, they are okay with it except for Victoria. Victoria and Marylynn have some history because they are roommates and Victoria believes Marylynn is bullying her.

So when Victoria sees this, she goes to Matt and tells him all of the drama going on in the house with her and Marylynn. Matt is taken aback because he sees Marylynn as someone who is sweet and genuine, which in my opinion she is.

Matt goes to find Marylynn to discuss this situation and Marylynn says that everything Victoria said was wrong and a lie. Victoria tells the other girls what she did and they all deny Marylynn being a bully or being rude.

Matt and Marylynn sort out who is really responsible for all that drama. (ABC/Craig Sjodin)

Marylynn goes to confront Victoria, who wants absolutely nothing to do with her. Victoria keeps interrupting Marylynn and walks off from the conversation.

Due to this drama, a lot of the girls did not get time to spend with Matt during the night and are worried about getting a rose. 

As Matt is handing out roses, Sarah starts to lose her balance and almost faints. She walks away and goes to sit down. Matt comes up to her and asks if she is okay and she says she is seeing stars and blacking out when the medics come over.

This is how the episode ends, with only some of the roses handed out.

To end this out, I think I finally know what Victoria is the queen of. She is the drama queen because that is all she has been involved in during this whole process.