Sexy Beasts trailer from Netflix

Sweet memes are made of this.

Netflix dropped the trailer for Sexy Beasts, a new dating show that marries the costumed anonymity of performance show The Masked Singer with the dating-someone-you-can’t-see conceit of Love Is Blind and turns it into what looks like an after-hours mixer at a furry convention.

The show, which premieres on July 21st, is narrated by comedian Rob Delaney, who just might be too good for this. The show sends contestants masked in elaborate costumes on first dates to see if personality alone can make people fall in love. (The masks do eventually come off, apparently, once the love connection is made.)

The show’s concept is taking a ribbing on social media, though it is in reality (no surprises here) an update of a BBC show from 2014. Watching the trailer (above) it’s hard to believe that in a country where half the population actively fought against wearing masks, there were enough people who would voluntarily cover their faces with these nightmare-inducing costumes.

But find them Netflix did, so Beaver Guy, Dolphin Gal, Devil Woman, Bug Head and all their compatriots are shown going on dates just like anyone else would, albeit with their creepy costumes making it…creepy. Naturally, the Twitter reactions did not disappoint.

The fact that while the dater’s faces were obscured, their (conventionally attractive) bodies were not did not escape these tweeters’ notice.

And every fan of a cancelled Netflix drama or comedy like Sense 8 or The Santa Clarita Diet had to be wondering why their show was axed but this unholy concoction was greenlit.

And then there were the tweets challenging the writing staff and their motives.

Everyone else just reveled in the Eyes Wide Shut bizarreness of it all.

Even one of Netflix’s overseas branch got in on the fun.

Of course, Netflix will have the last word; the trailer is a viral sensation, having already racked up millions of views, so if they can convert that into dedicated fans of the show, they win. But maybe viewers will too.

“The viewers are in for a real treat,” Simon Welton, creator and executive producer, told Variety. ”I hope the show puts a smile on peoples’ faces as they play along to discover who’ll fall in love with who and what our cast all really look like.”

Could this be the post-pandemic show that – love it or hate it – unites us all? Perhaps we should give Sexy Beasts a chance. After all, as it is working so hard to teach us, looks aren’t everything.