Bennett burns Dale during the Bachelorette Roast. Image Courtesy ABC

Week three of The Bachelorette has come and gone and there is a lot to unfold in just this episode alone.

The episode started out with the cocktail party before the rose ceremony and one of Clare’s suitors stole the show.

Yosef Aborady, 30, sat down with Clare and did not hold back on his feelings about a previous group date – a group date he was not even on.

This date was of a dodgeball game with 10 men, but every time one team lost they would have to strip off one piece of clothing of Clare’s choice. The team that ended up losing came back to the house where all the other guys were waiting, and let’s just say everything was on display.

Yosef told Clare that he felt disrespected and appalled about the way this date went down and said, “I expected more from the oldest Bachelorette.” He also stated that he was ashamed to be associated with her.

Once again, Clare said her famous line that this was a man she would not want to be the father of her children and he was sent home before the rose ceremony even happened.

Now, a distraught Clare is roaming around trying to comprehend what just happened and, of course, out of all the men who could have comforted her, Dale came to the rescue. He was able to calm her down enough to go through with the rose ceremony to end the night.

The next day was a group date that seemed to have included all of Clare’s top men, including Dale.

There was a knock on Clare’s door and when she opened it, to her surprise, it was DeAnna Pappas, season four Bachelorette.

Clare and DeAnna talk for some time and the talk is all about Dale and how Clare has a special spark with him. DeAnna confirms to Clare that “when you know, you just know” and that causes Clare to cancel the day portion of the group date and to change it to an intimate cocktail party.

As everyone is seated around a table full of drinks, Dale starts the conversation with a speech about how he wants to take Clare away for only about five minutes for one-on-one time because he felt that he needed to talk more about what happened the night before.

Clare and Dale walk to Clare’s room where there really wasn’t much talking and it definitely lasted longer than the five minutes he mentioned he needed.

At this point, all of the other guys are upset and annoyed that she and Dale are spending too much time together and no one else is able to have the quality time with Clare. But Eazy was eager enough to go and find them to get some time with Clare.

As the night hurries along, Dale “accidentally” walks into a room where Clare is talking to another man and interrupts them. It is now Dale’s second time alone with Clare of the night, mind that he just had about an hour with her.

Any guesses on who the group date rose went to? If you said Dale, you are correct! This now triggers all the other men and they are now seeing the true colors that are coming out of this relationship.

To move on, it is now the day for the one-on-one date and Clare chose to spend her time with Zach J.

This date theme is relaxation and the two spend their time at the spa where they get pedicures and massages. But Clare does not seem too relaxed because she keeps thinking about Dale.

Once the spa time is over, the two head back over to Clare’s and go to her pool where the two just talked and had a visit from Clare’s dogs. Then Clare tells Zach that the two should go and get ready for their dinner portion of the date, and let’s just say things get awkward.

As they exit the pool, Clare leans in to give Zach a kiss but no kiss happened. It seems as if Zach pushed Clare away, or, according to Zach, Clare stopped leaning in. This causes Clare to feel uncomfortable because Zach ended up grabbing her to try and kiss her and she felt violated.

Dinner comes along and Zach is waiting at the table for Clare to show up, but instead he gets a one-on-one date with Chris Harrison. Chris tells Zach that Clare is not coming, which means that Zach had to pack his bags and go home.

It is now the next day, and also time for the next group date, which was just a big roasting session for the guys to pull on one another. Comedy legend Margaret Cho helps nine of the guys prepare for the roast, but they don’t realize that the rest of the house is going to be the audience.

Comedian Margaret Cho teaches the guys how to roast on Bachelorette episode 3. Image courtesy ABC.

Dale was not on this date, but was still there because the suitors that were not on the date, were the audience for the guys who were on stage.

Let’s just say this was not a good moment for Dale.

All of the guys made at least one roast of Dale because of his relationship with Clare but one man in particular just made his whole roast session about Dale. This guy was Bennett, whom everyone gave props to for doing and saying everything that the other fellows wanted to.

As the night unfolds and the group date is now just quality time with the guys, Clare brings up Dale and the roasting to every single guy she sits down with. This causes the guys to become annoyed and concerned with why they are even there in the first place.

Normally a rose would be handed out to one lucky guy on group dates to the one who stood out to the Bachelorette the most, but Clare did not give anyone a rose for the night.

When she walks away from the date, she is talking to one of the show crew and states something along the lines that she cannot give out a rose to someone who would make fun of her “fiancée.” In episode three, she is referring to Dale as her fiancée already, and this is how the episode finishes for the week.

The previews for episode four air and it is the moment everyone in Bachelor Nation has been waiting for, but stop reading here if you don’t want a spoiler. Chris and Clare have a talk where he tells her she is blowing up Bachelor Nation. Clare seems to leave, paving the way for The Bachelorette season16’s newest candidate, Tayshia Adams. Whoa!