Matt James contemplates his future on The Bachelor. (ABC/Craig Sjodin)

We have made it to the Bachelor finale and the final two women attempting to take over Matt’s heart, Rachael and Michelle.

The finale opens up with Matt talking about the different qualities he sees in the two women and why he likes them so much.

Matt’s mom and brother are there and will meet Michelle and Rachael. Michelle is the first woman to meet his family.

They all sit around and talk for a bit before Michelle and Matt’s brother, John, go into another room and discuss her relationship with Matt. John asks the hard hitting questions on why she likes Matt and what happened in her last relationship.

Michelle then sits down and talks with his mom. His mom gets very emotional talking about Matt’s childhood and the absence of his father.

As time progresses, Matt and his mom talk and she says that she really likes Michelle and can see that she is in love with him.

The next day, Rachael heads over to meet John and his mom. 

Rachael and John go talk in together in another room and he pretty much asks her the same thing he asked Michelle – why she loves Matt and what she sees for her future.

Matt’s mom tells him that she can see that Rachael brings out the best in him and they are good together. 

Rachael tells Matt’s mom that she knew from night one that Matt was someone special, especially when he prayed over them. 

Once Rachael leaves, Matt’s mom and brother get into him. They ask him if he is really ready for an engagement after this. He is now questioning everything due to this because he does not want to put Michelle or Rachael through what his mom went through with his dad.

Matt is back at his place and keeps thinking about his conversation with his family. Chris comes over to chat with him to clear his mind and try to help him figure out what he wants at the end of this. 

Matt tells Chris that his feelings have changed about an engagement and that being engaged at the end of this may not be what is best for him.

As his time as The Bachelor continues, he has two one-on-one dates left. His first is with Michelle.

The two meet and walk to the roof of the chateau in which the women were staying in. Matt says they must climb down the side of the building in order to get to where they are going, which is a couch that is sitting outside for them to talk. 

Matt and Michelle go to great lengths to escape the house, (ABC/Craig Sjodin)

Once they are off the side of the building and can talk, Matt asks Michelle about the conversations she had with his family. She says they went well but wants to know if he is ready for the end of his journey and can see himself being engaged. 

They enjoy the rest of their evening in her room, where they talk and Michelle says she can’t picture her life without him. She gifts him two jerseys that say “World Changing Warriors,” one with “Mr James” on the back. Hers says “Mrs James.”

After this, Matt tells Michelle how he is truly feeling which is that he cannot see himself ending up with her. She says she put it all on the table and that’s all she could do. He leaves and she is very emotional about what just happened. 

As Matt is leaving, he sits outside and Chris comes over. He asks Matt if he is okay and what is going on. Matt says he keeps thinking about the conversation he had with his mom. He tells Chris he needs some time and walks away.

As Rachael is getting ready for her date the next day, she gets a knock on the door and it is Chris. He tells her that Matt is not up to having a date and that last night he said he needed more time. This does not sit well with Rachael because she has no clue what this means for her relationship with him.

After the cancellation of the date, Neil Lane meets up with Matt to show him rings. They talk for some time and Neil says he does not push anybody to choose a ring if they do not want to. Matt says he will look at them and finds one he likes and wants to hold on to it just in case. 

It is now the morning of what is supposed to be engagement day and Rachael gets a note under her door. It is a note from Matt apologizing about the night before and to meet him at the lake. 

Matt is already there and before Rachael gets there, Chris talks to him. Matt says he loves Rachael and will know if he wants to be engaged or keep dating once he sees her.

Rachael arrives and she tells Matt she is upset about how yesterday played out but that she still loves him and wants to be with him.

Matt breaks it to her that he is not ready for an engagement; she thinks that this is a break up, but he then says that just because he is not ready to be engaged does not mean he wants to lose her. At the time of her arrival, Rachael did not know that Michelle was already sent home. 

Rachael and Matt finally DTR. (ABC/Craig Sjodin)

For the time being, the two say they will will continue to date, but as we know, that did not last too long as they have already broken up. For good reasons.