Bachelor Nation favorite Ashley Iaconetti Haibon and Chris Harrison present a challenge to the women on The Bachelor (ABC/Craig Sjodin)

After the last episode ended with Sarah fainting at the rose ceremony, this week started out with the continuation of the drama surrounding that moment.

Sarah and Matt go outside for a walk and talk about what just happened and if she is okay. All of the other girls are upset and annoyed with Sarah because she already has a rose and believe she is making a scene over nothing.

As the rose ceremony continues, it comes down to the last rose and neither Victoria nor Marylynn have one in their hands yet. 

Last week, the two had an argument that led to Matt finding out about the situation. Matt, I guess, believes Victoria because she ends up getting the final rose and Marylynn is sent home. Once again it looks like Victoria is the one producers are telling Matt to keep since she is the one that is always in the middle of the drama.

The next day approaches and the girls are greeted with a date card. The first is a group date.

Now this group date was super interesting, to say the least. Chris Harrison has a book called The Perfect Letter which talks about his insights of love.

When the girls arrive at the date, they are greeted by Ashley I, who was on The Bachelor, Bachelor in Paradise, and The Bachelor Winter Games. 

The whole meaning of the date is to write a love letter to Matt. So before doing this, the girls read Chris’s book for some more inspiration on things to say.

It is finally time for the women to read their love scenes to Matt and all of the other women who were not on the date are brought over to be a part of the audience.

A lot of this date was bleeped out for language because, well obviously, it was just too inappropriate for ABC. 

Out of everyone who had read a love letter to Matt, Rachael and Victoria are two of the stand-outs because they went full out and held nothing back on their fantasies with Matt.

Victoria reads her NSFW love letter to Matt (ABC/Craig Sjodin)

Sarah, who is in the audience, starts to get upset and questions her being there. She says she understands that he is dating other women but it is hard to watch him fall for other women after what they had on their one-on-one date.

The cocktail hour of the date begins and things are going smooth for the most part. Then along comes Sarah and things get interesting.

Sarah, who obviously was not on the date, shows up and asks to talk to Matt, interrupting Katie’s time with the bachelor. 

Katie is nice enough to let them talk for a few minutes, but goes back and tells the other ladies what just happened. After the fainting at the rose ceremony, the women are becoming even more irritated with Sarah.

As time passes, Katie goes back and asks to continue her conversation with Matt and Sarah says that she still has some things to clear up with Matt. Katie says that’s fine and goes and stands right outside the door waiting for Sarah to leave.

Sarah and Matt are done talking and she goes to confront the rest of the ladies who are on the date and apologizes for coming in and says she wanted to get something off her chest.

As Sarah is leaving, Victoria runs after her and says that this could have waited until another time and she did not have to come and ruin the date since none of these girls have had one-on-one dates with him like she did.

Victoria, Bri and Rachael in a rare, drama-free moment (ABC/Craig Sjodin)

The chaos calms down and Matt is ready to hand out the group date rose, which goes to Rachael. 

Now is time for the one-on-one date, which was granted to Serena P, but before she and Matt go out on their adventure, he addresses the group about everything that happened with Sarah the night before.

Sarah has not been downstairs or out of her room in a couple days, so Matt goes up to find her and they talk for a bit. Sarah mentions that she wanted to leave the night before but didn’t because she knows how much she cares for Matt.

Finally, after longer than the five minutes needed to talk, Matt comes down and walks out for his date with Serena P.

The date begins with a horseback ride to an open area where they have a picnic. Things were getting serious and as the two were kissing, a donkey, yes a donkey, came and ruined the moment. 

Serena and Matt are sitting down at the dinner portion of the date and they talk about past relationships. 

Serena said she has been in love before and thought her ex was going to be the one. Matt does not say the same and says he has never been in love with anyone. Serena eventually says that she can see herself falling in love with Matt if the relationship continues the way it does.

She obviously gets the date rose.

As the two are on their date, the next date card comes to the door. Just as it was about to be read to the group, Sarah comes downstairs and sits on the couch with the rest of the ladies.

They all give her a look and bring up what has been happening and Sarah begins to say an apology. None of the girls are buying it and Kit, who is the youngest on the show, says that if Sarah continues to stay, that her time in the house will not be fun for her. Victoria agrees.

Sarah is obviously stressed and questioning whether to be there or not. The next morning Katie comes up to Sarah’s room and talks to her about everything that happened.

Katie tells Sarah that she did not agree with what the girls were saying and that they were being mean to her. 

Sarah eventually opens up to Katie and tells her some of the reasoning behind everything going on. She brings up her dad and his condition and says she needs to go home to spend time with him because his time is limited.

Katie can see where Sarah is coming from because she lost her father in 2012 and knows how precious time can be with loved ones and does not blame Sarah for wanting to go home.

As Sarah is leaving, Katie goes down and talks to the rest of the group and says that she talked to Sarah and told them that she is leaving and that she has other family issues going on back home and that there should be no bullying going on because you never know what someone is dealing with behind closed doors.

Sarah goes to tell Matt that she is leaving and they do share a special moment because you can honestly tell that the two had a great connection and it is sad to see that go.

They both say their goodbyes and the episode ends with Sarah being driven away to make her way home.

He walks alone, he walks alone. (ABC/Craig Sjodin)

But that is not all; the drama continues. The preview for next week shows five new girls coming in to win over Matt’s heart, which is crazy to think about because he started out his season with a record number of women already. Seems like his season will never end.