The ladies are digging for…something on The Bachelor (ABC/Craig Sjodin)

On this episode of The Bachelor, we are greeted with the opening scene of Victoria and Kit walking around the grounds of the hotel they are staying at, gossiping about the new girls that are trying to win over Matt’s heart. They walk past two of the new girls but the two groups don’t say a word to one another. 

Brittany is one of the new girls who has the rumor going around about her that she is an escort. She mentions that she wants to talk to Matt to clear the air and to tell the truth (that she is not an escort.)

The cocktail party begins and Matt walks in and addresses the room and situation immediately. The cameras keep panning to Anna and Victoria, the two main girls who started all of this tension in the house.

Matt takes Brittany away to talk to her privately. Brittany brings up that her mom watches the show and that her reputation and life could be burned down because of these rumors that are actually not true.

After this, Matt goes to the main source which is Anna. Anna gets to the point right away and says that she felt shallow and regretted saying the rumor immediately and wanted to get her character back on track for Matt. In the end, it does not work out and Matt sends Anna home.

The girls who have been there since day one get worried once they see Anna leave and they start to apologize to the newer girls saying that they will make the house a more comfortable place for everyone to live in.

Victoria talks to the girls and says she was only trying to have fun and not harm anyone. She apologizes to Catalina and says that taking her crown on night one of her arrival was just to make a joke and be funny, but we all know that is not true. 

The night continues and as Ryan talks to Matt, she throws Victoria under the bus and says she has been making comments about Ryan and calling her a hoe for being a dancer.

Matt then talks to Victoria to clear the air and says he knows about her calling Ryan a derogatory word and Victoria gets emotional afterward. 

Chris Harrison comes and says that Matt wants to go right into the rose ceremony. Victoria ends up walking away and saying that she is questioning going home because she knows she is the best option for Matt and the only one that has a brain but knows her character is in question because of what just happened.

By the end of the rose ceremony, our queen does not receive a rose. As the other girls are saying their goodbyes, she is hiding in the back but eventually walks past Matt and says that she feels sorry for him because he is believing the other ladies over her.

This goat is getting more action from Matt than Victoria ever will (ABC/Craig Sjodin)

As the next day arrives, Rachael is rewarded with the one-on-one date. Let me just tell you, this is every girl’s dream date.

Matt takes her on a shopping spree and gifts her with shoes with the red bottoms, AKA Louboutins. After the date, Rachael arrives home with a ton of shopping bags and is again gifted with another package, which is a dress to wear later that night for the dinner date.

Rachael gets the date without farm animals, poor thing. (ABC/Craig Sjodin)

During the evening, Rachael opens up to Matt about how she lacks confidence in herself and says she can definitely see herself leaving here with Matt and engaged. She obviously ends up getting the rose for the night.

The group date card is delivered and everyone is on it besides Kit, which means she has the next one-on-one date with Matt.

The girls arrive at the group date and they are going to be farming. During the group date Michelle starts getting emotional because she got the one-on-one date right away but now has to see Matt give affection to the other girls.

No, this isn’t one of the newest contestants for Matt’s heart. (ABC/Craig Sjodin)

Later on, Abigail gets the time to talk to Matt and she opens up about her childhood and future. She tells Matt that her dad left her and her family once her and her sister received their cochlear implants. She also tells Matt that her kids could potentially be deaf.

Matt is open with Abigail and says he understands her because his dad left as well and his mom was a single mom raising kids. 

The night continues and MJ gets the chance to talk to Matt. There is more drama as Matt tells her that she was brought up in conversation as an antagonist in the house. This rubs MJ the wrong way because she says her character is in question due to this.

MJ goes back to the other women and brings it up and asks if anyone knows anything about this. Jessenia ends up admitting to being the one to bring it up to Matt because MJ has used the terms varsity and JV to describe the older girls from the newer girls.

Katie ends up having Jessenia’s back and MJ is very upset over these accusations but won’t admit to Jessenia whether or not she will tell Matt the truth.

The group date rose ends up going to Abigail because she was so vulnerable with Matt. 

It is now time for Kit’s one-on-one date and it is at Matt’s house. Kit is super happy with this date because she told Matt in the past that the kitchen is a place where she is herself because it was a bond between her and her mom.

Kit talks about her childhood and how her mother was a famous fashion designer so she always had to maintain a certain image for the sake of her mom. She ends up receiving the rose for the date. 

It is the day of the rose ceremony and there is a knock on the door. Surprisingly, there is a card delivered with MJ and Jessenia’s name on it to resolve the situation at hand.

Matt asks to meet them before the rose ceremony to clear the air and to finally find out the truth behind everything going on. 

As Jessenia and MJ are sitting around waiting for Matt, they get into a heated argument. Matt eventually arrives and the episode ends.

Next week, we see even more drama between everyone and a blast from the past arrives, Heather Martin from Colton Underwood’s season of The Bachelor.