FINISH HIM! The women of The Bachelor have a few questions. (ABC/Craig Sjodin)

After watching The Women Tell All most of my feelings towards the women have not changed.

The night starts off with the discussion of the drama between Jessenia and MJ. If you don’t remember, Jessenia told Matt that MJ contributed to the unpleasantness in the house, along with Victoria and Anna. Jessenia said that she was just being her true self and wanted to tell Matt about the things she saw MJ doing. After this, Mari jumps in and says that she knows MJ the best because they were roommates and MJ is anything but fake, yet no one was saying she was fake. 

Then our television screens are blessed with royalty – I mean Victoria. As we know, Victoria was the major reason why there were issues in the house and was behind the so-called bullying. Victoria called Ryan a “ho” for being a dancer, stole the crown off of another contestant’s head, and kept calling Katie disgusting. Now Victoria turns the tables and wants everyone to feel bad for her because she kept getting teased on social media about her eye and bra straps showing. Yes Victoria, that is the exact same thing as being called names and other things on national television.

Victoria, the Queen of Unintentional Irony. (ABC/Craig Sjodin)

Along comes Brittany. Chris Harrison calls Brittany to sit with him to talk about her time on the show. If you remember, Brittany was the woman who was accused of being an escort by Anna. This definitely caused problems for Brittany not only on the show, but in her home life, too. She stated that she did not want to talk to her family and it took her a couple weeks to even respond to her friends because she was just embarrassed about herself due to these accusations. Anna finally gets the chance to talk and apologizes and confesses that she had absolutely no reason to say these things about Brittany and regrets doing it. Brittany accepts her apology and says that no matter what your occupation is, you still deserve to find the one person who you truly love.

Katie is next to sit down with Chris. They show a montage of her time on the show and the abrupt ending to her journey that not many people saw coming. She is definitely someone who may become the next Bachelorette as she states she is 30, accepts herself and wants to find someone who also accepts her outgoing personality. She was very into Matt but got sent home during her one-on-one date, which by her reaction, she was not expecting.

After Katie, America’s Sweetheart Abigail gets to speak about her journey. Abigail was the one who received the first impression rose but nothing else really happened in their relationship, as she was never granted one-on-one time with Matt. This made her question whether or not their relationship was going in a positive direction. Though the rest of the viewers loved her and what she was representing on the show, Matt only felt connections with the other women, which he eventually told Abigail when she brought it up to him. Abigail is also another one who would be great as the next lead role for the ABC franchise.

Matt may have blown her off, but we may be seeing more of Abigail. (ABC/Craig Sjodin)

Serena P gets the opportunity to talk about her time on the show and her love for Matt, which she still feels. She says she just did not see herself calling Matt her person and realized that after talking with her family during her hometown. In my opinion, I think if Serena would have stayed she may have won, just by Matt’s reaction when she told him she couldn’t continue on the show. And also, (potential spoilers ahead)… if Matt is truly not with his winner anymore *cough* *cough* Rachael, then I could see the two of them trying to rekindle their romance.

It is time for the Bachelor himself to sit in the hot seat and face the women he sent home. As he comes out, the women begin to chuckle as they see his new look. Matt is rocking some new facial hair with a full grown beard, I think this means he definitely is single because…I mean, who would want to kiss that? The women are able to ask Matt what went wrong and all those types of questions and Victoria thanks Matt for being great and accepting her. He later says he wishes he explored their relationship more but by the looks of his reactions and body language when around her, he was never even interested. Maybe he is just being nice since no one else is. 

Matt feels the heat as the women he sent home have a chance to ask him anything. (ABC/Craig Sjodin)

While we do see lots of the girls from the season, we are missing one…or are we? As we can see during the moments before going to commercial, there is a mystery woman sitting next to Kit. Who can that be? Well, Twitter did its thing and we can confirm that it was Heather. But we never see her on the show. When the cameras pan over to Kit and the other woman around her, they seem to have edited Heather out of the show altogether which is really strange and raises a lot of questions in my mind. She is not the only one edited out of this season. During the flashbacks of what was cut out, we see clips of Bachelorette Tayshia and JoJo Fletcher hanging out with Matt eating chicken wings (or at least attempting to, because they were way too spicy according to JoJo.) 

Then it all comes down to the most awkward and cringe-worthy moments of the season. Matt’s infamous kissing face. Matt kisses with his eyes open and we see it all as they show a montage of these clips. Matt says he never even noticed he was doing this until it was pointed out to him on social media and while watching the show. The women all come to an agreement that you should kiss with your eyes closed. So take notes, gentlemen. 

We then see previews for next week’s episode and Matt seems to be emotional and not knowing whether or not he can continue on, even though he is so close to an engagement. We see him talking to his dad, who was not very present in his life, and to his mom. It all comes down to the next couple of weeks to see how Matt’s journey as The Bachelor ends.