Noah and Chasen duke it out for Taysia on The Bachelorette. (ABC/Craig Sjodin)

Tayshia Adams has entered the chat.

A group date starts out the episode, and it is a really interesting one.

Ashley Iaconetti and Jared Haibon, who met on Bachelor in Paradise and are married, help Tayshia out with this date.

The group date is the Grown Man Challenge that tests these guys to see who is a grown man and who is a man-child.

The first part of this challenge was a quiz-type round where Ashley and Jared asked the guys questions.

Bennett was saying how he is the smartest guy there on the date because he went to Harvard, but he does not score one answer right from what we see, and loses that round.

One of the guys, Demar, makes quite a funny comment. “Mr Harvard had more wrong answers than I did for sure, and I went to Arizona State,” said Demar. 

(As a recent graduate from Arizona State, this is hilarious and shows that we are not just a party school like we come off to be. But anyways, besides the point.) 

The next part of the challenge was two guys tied together by a rope and they had to run opposite ways in order to grab a bouquet of flowers.

Bennett says he cannot participate because of a past football injury that still causes pain to his knee, so he is free from this challenge.

Lastly, we have breakfast in bed and the guys have to cook breakfast and serve it to Tayshia.

Bennett did exceed at this part with his words and the meal that he made.

Ed was awarded the title of ‘man-child’, which forced him to carry around a crying baby doll until Tayshia said he didn’t have to, though he still had it by the end of the episode (he named it Carlos.) 

Bennett was awarded the ‘grown man’ honor due to his romantic-ness during breakfast in bed. The other guys were not happy about this because they believe he has too big of an ego and he did not do well in the first round nor participate in the second round.

Bennett receives his diploma on ‘The Bachelorette’. (ABC/Craig Sjodin)

The cocktail party portion of the date starts and Bennett comes in his robe that he wore during his last challenge to “pick back up where they left off” but Tayshia cuts him off somewhat and says she wants to say hi to the group first.

Chasen ends up taking Tayshia away after Bennett proposed to first. 

Ed and Bennett are attacking Chasen and saying he is fake and not here for the right reasons.  Ed told Tayshia the same thing, and that thought is not sitting well with Tayshia

Tayshia, being the bada** she is, brings it to Chasen’s attention and gets to the bottom of the situation, saying she wants the truth about what is going on.

Chasen and Ed argue about the mishap that happened and things get heated. The situation is not well between the two. Mind, the reason for this mishap is because Ed thinks Chasen is using the same words to describe Clare and Tayshia, such as beautiful.

Tayshia comes in and hands out the group date rose to Ivan. 

It is now the night of the rose ceremony and tensions are high with everyone. 

Chasen talks to all the guys and says that his character was portrayed in a false light and he does not want any drama. 

Using different words to now describe Tayshia and Clare, Chasen calls Tayshia a “smokeshow” and the guys laugh at that use of the word because they know a girl would more than likely not want to be described as a smokeshow.

The night seems to be going rather well for Tayshia but then she talks to Ed and he mentions that Chasen was in his face last night and almost physical with him so now she talks to him alone.

She calls him out and he does admit to everything that happened. Tayshia tells Chasen that he needs to be a man and sit down with Ed one-on-one and talk about it and not get angry over it.

Chasen pulls Ed aside and talks with him. Then the other guys come and interrupt so things don’t get physical.

The night continues and it is finally time for the rose ceremony – the first one for Tayshia.

Ed received a rose and so did Chasen, so this showdown will continue. ABC knows what they are doing and they know how to feed into the drama.

It is the next morning and Chris Harrison comes with a new date card. It is a group date. Ed and Chasen are both on this group date. 

This group date is in the ring: a wrestling match between the guys to show their strength and fight for love with Tayshia. The guys practice and get some tips on how to wrestle.

They will wrestle in front of a live audience – the other guys in the house – and the winner will have one-on-one time with Tayshia.

The hosts are Chris Harrison and Wells Adams, Bachelor in Paradise bartender.

Of course, Ed and Chasen are set up to wrestle one another; why would they be on this date if they were not going to fight each other? 

Ed goes up to Chris and tells him that his shoulders are not well and that he does not want to end up in the hospital so he will be opting out of wrestling Chasen. Seems a little suspicious to me that right when you are about to go into the ring you back out, but I will just sit here and sip my tea.

Now Noah, who was not on the date but part of the live audience, hops over the fence and is going to fight Chasen. 

Hopping over a fence? Does that sound familiar? Oh yeah, a previous Bachelor, Colton, hopped over a fence for a girl.

Chasen won the fight against Noah and was crowned the champion of the entire competition meaning he will spend alone time with Tayshia.

Taysia belts Chasen. (ABC/Craig Sjodin)

Noah was invited to the after party by Tayshia even though he was not supposed to be there in the first place, and this makes the rest of the guys very upset because with this extra guy there, their time with her could be cut short. 

The man of the hour, Noah, takes Tayshia away first and Tayshia says that she wants him to shave off his mustache because she doesn’t like it.

When they are finished talking, Noah goes back to his room and grabs a razor and brings it back to Tayshia to make the decision just how much he will shave off. So she shaves it all off.

Noah does end up receiving the date rose and everyone is visibly upset about it because no one really likes him anyways.

The preview for next week just shows more drama will be hitting us and the guys in the house will be ganging up on Noah even more.